Zora dress


This dress will perhaps surprise you the most when you feel it under your hand and in contact with your skin.

Innovative material, the softest viscose, with the addition of ying lun fibers. What is interesting about this viscose is that the composition is such that it does not wrinkle when worn. It has a double lining at the chest so that it does not show through. The length of this dress is 160cm (shoulder to floor) and is only available in one size due to its exceptional elasticity.

The model of the dress, which, although transparent, is not at all vulgar because the cut is straight and slightly oversize for your greatest comfort. It is available in two colors – cream and sand pink, and both colors have thin silver threads sewn through the material.

Maintenance: Hand wash or program in a hand washing machine at a temperature not higher than 30 degrees and without a spin cycle

SKU: N/A Categories: , ,


Ova haljina će vas možda najviše iznenaditi onda kada je osetite pod rukom i u dodiru sa kožom. Inovativni materijal , najmekše viskoze, sa dodatkom ying lun vlakana. Ono što je interesantno za ovu viskozu jeste da je sastav takav da se ne gužva prilikom nošenja. Kod grudi ima duplu postavu kako se ne bi providela.

Dužina ove haljine je 160cm (od ramena do poda) a dostupna je samo u jednoj veličini zbog njene izuzetne elastičnosti.

Model haljine koji je iako transparentan nije nimalo vulgaran jer je kroj ravan i blago oversize zbog vašeg najvećeg komfora.

Dostupna je u dve boje -krem i pesak roze, a obe boje imaju tanke srebnkaste niti prošivene kroz materijal.

Održavanje : Ručno pranje ili program u mašini za ručno pranje na temparaturi ne većoj od 30 stepeni i bez centrifuge

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