Loo jumpsuit


This jumpsuit will immediately delight everyone who tries it on, and it’s no wonder that it’s our best-selling model for the third season already.

It fits sizes from 36 to 42 because it has an oversize cut and is adjusted with a large belt around the waist, and two lengths of this model are available – 150cm and 160cm length from shoulder to floor.

Fully buttoned, it has the form of a Japanese kimono, both because of the collar and the kimono sleeves, and it can of course be worn unbuttoned.

The material from which it is made is known as “green silk” because it has the texture and quality of silk and it is obtained from the eucalyptus tree, which means that it is more sustainable than silk because it takes far less water to grow this tree.

Available in 5 different colors.

Hand-wash or machine-wash at a low temperature (max. 30°C)
Select the wool wash cycle or delicates cycle.
Eco-friendly wool wash detergent.
Hang-dry your TENCEL™ pieces.
Gently steam or iron at a warm setting.


Ovaj kombinezon će bez daljnjeg oduševiti svakog ko ga isproba i nije ni čudo što je već treću sezonu baš on naš najprodavaniji model.

Odgovara veličinama od 36 do 42 jer je oversize kroja a podešava se velikom trakom oko struka, i dostupne su dve dužine ovog modela – 150cm i 160cm dužine od ramena do poda.

U potpunosti zakopčan ima formu japanskog kimona što zbog kragne tako i zbog kimono rukava a može se naravno nositi i otkopčan.

Materijal od kog je napravljen poznat je kao “zelena svila” jer ima teksturu i kvalitet svile a dobija se od drveta eukaliptusa što znači da je održiviji od svile jer za uzgoj ovog drveta treba daleko manje vode.

Dostupan u 5 razlicitih boja.

Ručno ili mašinsko pranje na niskoj temperaturi (maks. 30°C)
Izaberite ciklus pranja vune ili ciklus delikatesa.
Osušite svoje TENCEL™ komade na vešalici
Peglanje peglom na paru ili običnom peglom na manjoj temperaturi

Additional information


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150cm, 160cm